Natural ADHD Treatment: Setting Expectations
With so many options in this day and age it can be difficult to find a beneficial and natural ADD/ADHD treatment for your child. Medications, therapies, treatments, they are all over the place! In reality there is not a “worst alternative medical treatment” for ADD or ADHD. Naturally some treatments may be less effective than others, […]
Top 10 Reasons To Get A Brain Map
Brain maps are crucial to setting the baseline for your child’s ADD or ADHD. By completing a brain map we can hone in on the specific areas of weakness or over activity by analyzing your child’s brain wave signature and discover what may be influencing your child’s brain disorder. Brain maps are a 15-20 minute, […]
Drug Free Ways To Manage and Treat ADHD
Very often the first ADD treatment options suggested involve medicines and pharmaceuticals. However, these treatment options come with an array of side effects that can negatively impact a person’s quality of life. In addition, it requires multiple alterations to the specific medicines and dosages in order to discover the most effective of this option. However, […]
The Gut-Brain Connection Is Important For Mental Health And More!
THE ROLE OF A HEALTHY GUT IN HEALTHY BRAIN FUNCTION A large body of evidence is accumulating to support a role between healthy gut function, neural development and function of the central nervous system. The microbiota present in the gut should be considered an inner organ with functions similar in importance to any other organ present in the body. Disruptions in this “organ” […]
Inflammation Can Shrink Your Brain
Let’s Talk A Little More About Inflammation Inflammation—we’ve all heard of it, and many people are beginning to understand just how damaging it can be to the whole body, especially the brain. Inflammation is our body’s natural defense system. When your body senses foreign invaders, a specific cascade of events is set off, in which your […]
Get To Know Type 4 ADD
Welcome to part four of the series of articles where I explain some of the details of the seven types of ADD. Type 4 is also called Temporal Lobe ADD. The temporal lobes are the part of the brain near your temple area and behind your eyes. Temporal lobes have a lot to do with […]
Brain Laser Can Improve Blood Flow And Healing In The Brain
Many health conditions can benefit from brain laser. Photobiomodulation improves brain blood flow and energy production. Dr. Joseph M. Serpe, DC demonstrates how safe this therapy is for brain health. Laser can improve cognition, memory, depression, ability to focus and help the brain heal after a concussion. This is just one of the advanced techniques […]
Ingredients and Foods ADHD Patients Should Avoid
The role and influence that diet plays, in relation to spectrum disorders such as ADD and ADHD, has been extensively studied over the last thirty-five years or more. The current consensus is that while a direct causality does not exist concerning specific foods and ingredients, there is sufficient data that suggests that some ingredients and […]
How are ADHD and Nutrition Connected?
The relationship between ADHD and nutrition has been extensively studied for several decades with most results indicating an association between the role of diet and the symptoms of ADHD but offer no clear link concerning causality towards ADHD. In other words, while nutrition can have an effect on the symptoms of ADHD, nutrition is not […]
Sleep is a vital ingredient to wellness-How To Eliminate Insomnia
Sleep is a huge part of health. Quality sleep is a must for optimal health. Insomnia is lack of sleep. To have insomnia is to feel that you are walking around in a daze, not fully awake at times. The CDC reported that one third of our population gets less than 7 hours of sleep […]
Do You Have A Leaky Brain? Perform This Simple Test To Find Out
You’ve heard of leaky gut, but have you heard of a leaky brain? If you have symptoms of leaky gut or intestinal permeability, you most likely also have a leaky brain, or “blood-brain barrier permeability.” How do you know? You can perform a simple test with store-bought supplements to find out. The blood-brain barrier is […]
Alternative ADHD Treatments: Why You Should Consider Vitamins, Supplements, Diet & Neurofeedback
Selecting alternative natural treatments for the treatment of various disorders including ADHD is a great way to start on the path towards reducing the concerns associated with those types of disorders. While natural treatments are highly effective, they increase in effectiveness when considered and addressed from a complete system perspective. The human body is consists […]
Balancing And Nourishing The Brain Helps Resolve Many Health Challenges
Neurobehavioral disorders have exploded in our current generation. ADHD is diagnosed in a significant portion of school aged children. A research survey of parents shows that approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have ever been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]
5 Ways To Battle Brain Fog
WHAT IS BRAIN FOG? In children, brain fog is associate with zoning out. We commonly see this in ADHD and autism cases. In adults, brain fog often take the form of having difficulty engaging in cognition, learning or memory. Examples of this include: forgetting names/dates/events, hearing someone speak but not understanding, difficulty staying on task, […]
The History Of Neurofeedback And Why It Is Beneficial In Treating ADD And ADHD
When considering treatment options for ADD and ADHD, understanding the history of a specific treatment and how effective it has been in other circumstances as well as for treating ADD and ADHD, can help you make more informed decisions concerning your treatment. It also assists you in understanding the complex process of Neurofeedback and its […]
A Plan For Treating ADHD: What To Discuss With Your Doctor
As with many things in life, treating ADHD works better with a well-defined treatment plan that encompasses all the necessary elements, includes all the stakeholders and provides both long and short term objectives and goals. Such a treatment plan provides for a path to successfully managing you or your child’s ADHD. Treatment plans work for […]
The Top 10 Reasons To get a Brain Map [qEEG]
Brain maps are a 15-20 minute, non-invasive, computerized analysis of brain function. The electrical activity of the brain is associated with function of the brain. Brain maps allow for targeted management of a weak or unbalanced area of the brain. These multi-color maps show if any parts of the brain are outside the normal range. […]
ADD and ADHD Treatments That Help with Concentration
Children are subjects to a wide range of distractions and stimuli that can have an adverse effect on their concentration. This can happen at home and in school settings and for those who suffer from ADD and ADHD, the effects from these distractions can be severe. It can impair their ability to form relationships and […]
The Worst Alternative Medical Treatments To Treat ADD And ADHD
Meds, therapies, treatments, oh my! The reality is that there isn’t truly a “worst alternative medical treatment” for ADD or ADHD. Naturally, some treatments will be less effective than others, or some will be effective for some time then suddenly no longer work. This is the same for alternative treatments as it is for traditional […]
Clinic Studies On Neurofeedback – Make An Informed Decision For Drug Free Care
Neurofeedback is among the most exciting technological advances in medicine. Studies are emerging that confirm what practitioners have witnessed for years. In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics underwent a rigorous review of all the available data on neurofeedback. The following policy statement was developed from this review process: The American Academy of Pediatrics approved […]
What Is Neurofeedback And Can It Help You?
Neurofeedback Therapy is a proven effective and safe alternative to other forms of treatment for ADD, ADHD and a host of other disorders. Part of a type of treatment regime referred to as biofeedback, this type of treatment is a non-invasive therapy that works to help you retrain your mind to help you regain your […]
Neurofeedback For ADD/ADHD: How Does It Work?
When approaching any therapeutic treatment for ADD/ADHD, understanding how the treatment is conducted and how it works can improve your chances at a successful or beneficial outcome. Neurofeedback Therapy is a proven technique in helping those with ADD and ADHD, as well as many other concerns. It is a non-invasive therapy that seeks to address […]
The Pros And Cons Of Neurofeedback Therapy – Biofeedback For ADD/ADHD
Neurofeedback therapy is a proven means of offering treatment for ADD and ADHD. This type of treatment is a form of biofeedback, in which auditory or visual stimuli are used to help train the mind to produce the appropriate brain wave patterns. It is non-invasive and does not present many of the side effects found […]
Why Is Neurofeedback Therapy A Good Alternative
Given the number of available treatment options for those who have ADD/ADHD and related disorders, the process of determining the best possible treatment option for each circumstance can be somewhat overwhelming. Among the available alternative treatment options, neurofeedback has been shown to provide long-term results in boosting concentration, reducing anxiety, improving academic performance, in addition […]
What Your Doctor Isn’t Saying About How To Reverse Attention Deficit Without Medication?
Naperville, IL – Learn how a corrective ADHD program is changing the way we look at attention deficit and helping some kids and adults eliminate the need for ADHD medication altogether. Attention deficit disorder is a medical condition that makes it difficult to effectively place focus and concentration when needed. ADHD is often accompanied by […]