Drug Free Ways To Manage and Treat ADHD
Very often the first ADD treatment options suggested involve medicines and pharmaceuticals. However, these treatment options come with an array of side effects that can negatively impact a person’s quality of life. In addition, it requires multiple alterations to the specific medicines and dosages in order to discover the most effective of this option. However, there are other ADD treatment options that do not have the same associated situations but offer the same level of effectiveness than medicinal options alone.
Drug-Free Approach
Obviously, the first advantage of a drug-free, natural alternative treatment option is the lack of negative side effects that can effect those who suffer from ADD or ADHD. Also, there is no need to change dosages or medicines to determine effectiveness, thus there is less lag in between the applications of the various treatments. The drug-free alternative seeks to address the symptoms at a fundamental level and therefore do not have the same personality or memory loss capabilities as those associated with pharmaceuticals. The drug free, ADD and ADHD treatment options offer a non-invasive approach that can be used with or without the engagement of additional treatment options.
Audio Visual Entrainment
This type of treatment option utilizes direct visual stimuli to the eye and audio stimulation to the ears in order to induce the brain to respond by producing a degree of information in different parts of the brain. By varying the frequency of light and sound of the incoming stimulation, different responses can be produced that correspond to the responses required for improving cognition and memory. This treatment option is often used in conjunction with other alternative treatment to enhance the effectiveness and long term results.
Another novel consideration with AV entrainment is the ability for those, whose distance away from the practitioner makes it difficult to come to weekly office appointments, to be able to perform this therapy in their own home. This is also a great option for those with a hectic schedule. Our AV entrainment system works in conjunction with your child’s brain map and is customized with each individual.
Neurofeedback Therapy
Of all the ADD and ADHD treatment options, Neurofeedback therapy is the most often utilized. By directly inducing specific known, brainwaves, the mind can be trained to produce the correct responses or brainwaves to various stimuli, having a longer lasting effect than some of the other options. In addition, there is no developmental immunity to this treatment so it can be repeated as often as necessary to achieve results and it can be used in conjunction with other options to solidify the results, long term. Not only does this therapy produce results with ADD and ADHD it also has been used to treat other disorders such as, epilepsy and PTSD.
Changes in brain activity can occur for a variety of reasons including environmental factors, DNA/Genetic, inflammation, head trauma, hormonal imbalance and nutritional reactivity. Areas of the brain may become under active or weaker than other areas, leading to symptoms associated with ADD and ADHD.
Since the brain is an electrochemical organ it makes sense to measure brain wave activity. A brain map, is a painless test, which involves placing sensors on the scalp to pick up electrical activity in each lobe of the brain. Once we gather the data it is compared to a normative database and a report is developed for the doctor to interpret.
21st Century Approach
We have developed a unique non-drug approach to helping children with ADD and ADHD. Our program incorporates brain mapping, functional neurology, functional nutrition and neurofeedback with the option of other drug-free, alternative treatment options, as described above.
The great news is, with our comprehensive approach the range of symptoms that occur with ADD and ADHD can be a thing of the past for you and your child. Importantly, these and other alternative treatment options offer a non-invasive and effective means of treating these types of spectrum disorder and have been shown effective in cases mild to severe. Providing your child a safer alternative alternative than pharmaceutical options alone.
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Office Information
The Neurofeedback Center Of Pittsburgh
Dr. Ram Parikh
227 S. Chestnut Street
Butler, PA 16001
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